Welcome to the Mobiscroll API Reference. You can find the most up to date information about usage and customization options here.
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Getting Started with Mobiscroll for Javascript
Mobiscroll is a collection of UI components that helps deliver great mobile apps, websites with a great user experience and in getting five-star app store reviews. The controls follow platform UX guidelines and can be styled with the Theme Builder for a perfect fit.
To get started, follow these simple steps.
1. Download Mobiscroll
When building your package, select the required components on the download page.
2. Load the necessary scripts
<script src="js/mobiscroll.javascript.min.js"></script>
<link href="css/mobiscroll.javascript.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
3. Add an input to your HTML markup
<input id="myInput" />
4. Initialize your component
// create a datepicker with default settings
// create a timepicker with default settings
mobiscroll.datepicker('#myInput', { controls: ['time']});
// create a datetimepicker with default settings
mobiscroll.datepicker('#myInput', { controls: ['datetime']});
For more examples check out the demo page.
Using module loaders
Mobiscroll can be loaded as a module as well. It implements the Universal Module Definition (UMD) pattern, meaning that it can be used with module loaders supporting the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) (e.g. RequireJS, Webpack, SystemJS) or CommonJS (e.g. Browserify, Webpack, SystemJS) syntax.
To load Mobiscroll as a module, download the mobiscroll package and use it as you would use any other module:
var mobiscroll = require('path/to/mobiscroll/js/mobiscroll.javascript.min');
require(['path/to/mobiscroll/js/mobiscroll.javascript.min'], function (mobiscroll) {
Using Mobiscroll v4 alongside v5
The 5th major version of Mobiscroll contains a limited number of components, compared to v4. If you need to keep using some components from v4, which are not present in the newer version, please follow this guide.
Global Options
mobiscroll.setOptions({ theme: 'ios', themeVariant: 'dark' });
With the setOptions
method, you can set global options that are needed across your application or page.
These options will be applied to all components. Including all the components that are initialized after the setOptions call.
Components that were initialized before the setOptions call, will be updated with the new options as well at the time of the setOptions function call.
// Sets the theme to iOS dark
theme: 'ios',
themeVariant: 'dark'