The Datepicker component is the ultimate tool for selecting a single date and/or time, multiple dates or a date range.
Basic usage
The following example will create a datepicker with the default options.
By default the datepicker will be set up to single date selection with the calendar control.
<mbsc-datepicker [(ngModel)]="myBirthday"></mbsc-datepicker>
For many more examples - simple and complex use-cases - check out the date picker demos for angular.
Value Selection
The datepicker can be used for three major dates and time selection tasks:
- Single value selection - a date, time or date-time - use the date & time or calendar
- Multiple value selection - one or more dates - use the date picker or calendar
Range selection - a pair of start/end date, time or date-times - use the range picker
- Preset range selection - for selecting a week or a predefined part of the week
Single Value Selection
This is the default behavior, and it can also be initialized with the select: 'date'
Depending on the controls option, we can use the datepicker this way to select either a single date or a single time or both (a single datetime).
<!-- The same default date picker will show -->
<mbsc-datepicker [(ngModel)]="myBirthday"></mbsc-datepicker>
<mbsc-datepicker select="date" [(ngModel)]="myBirthday"></mbsc-datepicker>
Multiple Value Selection
The selectMultiple
option will enable us to select multiple dates on the calendar.
The selected value in this case will be an array of dates instead of just a single date.
<mbsc-datepicker [selectMultiple]="true" [(ngModel)]="myCleaningDays"></mbsc-datepicker>
Range Selection
The datepicker can be used to select a date or a time range. The range selection feature can be activated with the select: 'range'
The selected value in this case will be an array of dates with two values: the start and the end.
The controls
option will tell the datepicker what kind of range do we want to select, a date range or a time range.
<mbsc-datepicker select="range" [(ngModel)]="myHoliday"></mbsc-datepicker>
Preset-range Selection
The datepicker can be used to select a week or predefined part of the week. The preset-range selection feature can be activated with the select: 'preset-range'
The selected value in this case will be an array of dates with two values: the start and the end of the range.
When the preset-range selection mode is on the start date will be fixed to a specific day of the week (for example: Monday). This can be achieved with the firstSelectDay option, which defaults to the firstDay of the week.
The length of the selection will be a set number of days (for example: 5 days) and can be controlled with the selectSize option. By default it is set to 7 (will select the whole week), but can be further reduced to even a single day.
<mbsc-datepicker select="preset-range" [(ngModel)]="myWeek"></mbsc-datepicker>
The follwing example will create a datepicker that selects working days for a week (from Monday to Friday):
<mbsc-datepicker select="preset-range" [(ngModel)]="myWorkWeek" [firstSelectDay]="1" [selectSize]="5"></mbsc-datepicker>
Return values
The default type of return values is the JavaScript Date object, but Mobiscroll supports more types as well. The Datepicker will choose the type depending on the returnFormat option.
Here's a list on supported formats and some hints on where are they really usefull:
- Javascript date object - Ex. if you need to manipulate programmatically the selected value further, the Date object is a good starting point, since it has most of the functions for date ∧ time manipulation
- ISO 8601 date string - Ex. if you need to send the selected value to a server, or need to serialize it, the ISO8601 string is the way to go.
When using a timezone plugin, the Datepicker will return the selected values in ISO8601 strings, regardless of the returnFormat option. -
- Formatted date string based on the lang setting, or the dateFormat and timeFormat settings, if they are specified. It gives the most flexible formatting options.
- moment object - The Moment.js library helps in manipulating the date ∧ time values. It has many functions the built in JavaScript Date object doesn't. It is very convenient when working a lot with dates.
When working with 'moment'
, you need to ensure that your project includes the Moment.js library and
also you will need to pass the moment libary reference to the Datepicker. Here's an example how:
import * as moment from 'moment';
export class MyCompoent {
refToMoment = moment;
myDate = null; // when set will be a Moment object
<mbsc-datepicker [moment]="refToMoment" returnFormat="moment" [(ngModel)]="myDate"></mbsc-datepicker>
By default the Datepicker uses the local timezone of the browser for value selection. If you want to select a date-time in a different timezone, you will need an external library to handle the timezone conversions. There are two libraries that Mobiscroll supports: moment-timezone and luxon.
ISO 8601
date strings,
no matter what returnFormat option is used.
Library Install
To setup the library, first you have to install it on your page. In this guide we'll assume you are using npm to install packages, but you can consult the installation guide on the libraries official pages (moment-timezone install page, luxon install page) for more options on how to install them.
The Moment-Timezone library
To install the moment-timezone library with npm you will need to run the following commands:
$ npm install moment-timezone
After the library is installed, you will have to import it with the momentTimezone
object from mobiscroll:
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import { momentTimezone } from '@mobiscroll/angular';
Then set the mobiscroll's reference to the imported library:
momentTimezone.moment = moment;
After that, you can pass the momentTimezone
object to the Datepicker's timezonePlugin option.
The Luxon library
To install the luxon library with npm you will need to run the following commands:
$ npm install luxon
In case you are using typescript you can also consider installing the types, because they come separately:
$ npm install --save-dev @types/luxon
After the library is installed, you will have to import it with the luxonTimezone
object from mobiscroll:
import * as luxon from 'luxon';
import { luxonTimezone } from '@mobiscroll/angular';
Then set the mobiscroll's reference to the imported library:
luxonTimezone.luxon = luxon;
After that, you can pass the luxonTimezone
object to the Datepicker's timezonePlugin option.
Using timezones
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import { momentTimezone } from '@mobiscroll/angular';
// setup the reference to moment
momentTimezone.moment = moment;
export class MyApp {
myPlugin = momentTimezone;
<mbsc-datepicker [timezonePlugin]="myPlugin" dataTimezone="utc" displayTimezone="Europe/Berlin"></mbsc-datepicker>
Exclusive end dates
The problem with end dates
To understand why we need exclusive end dates support, we need to look at what dates and date ranges represent.
Javascript date objects (and ISO8601 date strings - no matter the format) technically represent a point in time. A date range on the other hand is a duration between two points in time (the start of the range and the end of the range).
The problem comes when we want to translate between the daily language to the technical world. For example, when we say "I'm on holiday from the 21st until the 27th of July" we refer to this range as
'2022-07-21 - 2022-07-27'
Technically this range ends at the first moment on the 27th of July, because 2022-07-27
is the same as
. But we think of it as the whole day, meaning I'm still on holiday on the 27th
(and expect my colleages not to bother me with work).
The correct and precise timestamps for the above range, which I actually mean is the following:
'2022-07-21T00:00:00.000 - 2022-07-27T23:59:59.999'
To work with this end date is a bit awkward and because of that also error prone. It's not easily readable and also causes calculation headaches. For example if we try to calculate how long is this vacation (duration = end - start) we get 7 days minus 1 millisecond.
The solution to end dates
The solution to this problem is the exclusiveEndDates option. When this options is true
and we select dates only,
without time part, we always exclude the end date from the range.
To keep going with the above example, the selected range will be:
'2022-07-21 - 2022-07-28'
In terms of UX, the user should not have to think about all that, so the Datepicker will show the correct range for them.
On the calendar for example, the highlighted range will still be 21st-27th, but the returned dates will be 21st and 28th.
With inclusive end dates an invalid with
start: '2021-07-09'
and end: '2021-07-10'
will disable two days on the calendar,
the 9th and 10th of July. With exclusive end dates only a single day will be disabled, the 9th of July.
The datepicker component can render different kinds of controls on the screen. These controls are referred to as the Calendar view, the Date picker, the Time picker, the Datetime picker and the Timegrid. Each of these controls are suitable in different scenarios, depending on the use-case.
For example, the Date picker can be used for selecting a single date, as well as the Calendar view. But only the Calendar view can be used for selecting multiple dates.
<!-- Single Date -->
<mbsc-datepicker [controls]="['date']" [(ngModel)]="myBirthday"></mbsc-datepicker>
<!-- Multiple Dates -->
<mbsc-datepicker [controls]="['calendar']" [selectMultiple]="true" [(ngModel)]="myKidsBirthdays"></mbsc-datepicker>
The Calendar view can be used for single or multiple date selection as well as date range selection. It is represented by the
string. It is the default of thecontrols
option. -
The Date picker can be used for single date selection or date range selection. It is represented by the
string. -
The Time picker can be used for single time selection or time range selection. It can also be combined with other controls. It is represented by the
string. -
The Datetime picker can be used for single date & time selection as well as date & time range selection. It is represented by the
string. -
The Timegrid can be used for single time selection or time range selection. It can also be combined with the
or the'date'
control. It is represented by the'timegrid'
Control combinations
Some controls can't be used in all situations. To have a better user experience, controls can be combined. The controls
options takes an array of strings, with predefined values.
The Time picker and the Timegrid controls can be combined with either the Calendar view or the Date picker for extending the selection precision.
<!-- Date & Time picker -->
<mbsc-datepicker [controls]="['date', 'time']" [(ngModel)]="myAppointment"></mbsc-datepicker>
<!-- Calendar view & Time picker -->
<mbsc-datepicker [controls]="['calendar', 'time']" [(ngModel)]="myAppointment"></mbsc-datepicker>
<!-- Date & Timegrid -->
<mbsc-datepicker [controls]="['date', 'timegrid']" [(ngModel)]="myAppointment"></mbsc-datepicker>
<!-- Calendar view & Timegrid -->
<mbsc-datepicker [controls]="['calendar', 'timegrid']" [(ngModel)]="myAppointment"></mbsc-datepicker>
Customizing the Input
The datepicker, as explained below, can be used with one, two or no inputs.
Using without inputs
The first choice of input customization is to have no inputs at all. In this case rendering the component in inline display mode will leave out the use of inputs.
<mbsc-datepicker display="inline" [(ngModel)]="myAppointment"></mbsc-datepicker>
Using with one input
The datepicker component will render a Mobiscroll Input by default. This input will hold the formatted value after selection.
Having a custom input can be achived using the datepicker directive on the component you want.
myDatepickerOptions = { select: 'date', controls: ['calendar'] };
<ion-input placeholder="Click to select" mbsc-datepicker [mbscOptions]="myDatepickerOptions"></ion-input>
Using with two inputs
When selecting a range, you have basically two values to display: the start of the range and the end of the range. These can be shown in different inputs using the startInput and the endInput options.
<mbsc-input placeholder="Start" label="Start Date" #myStart></mbsc-input>
<mbsc-input placeholder="End" label="End Date" #myEnd></mbsc-input>
<mbsc-datepicker select="range" [(ngModel)]="myRange" [startInput]="myStart" [endInput]="myEnd"></mbsc-datepicker>
When the startInput and the endInput options are provided, the datepicker will not render any other inputs. It will open when these inputs are focused/clicked instead.
Display modes
The datepicker component can operate in two ways from the display option's point of view:
Modal display
Here comes the center
, top
, bottom
displays, and also the anchored
display when the touchUi option is true.
In these display modes, the picker shows up as a modal picker. When open, the selected value is stored as a temporary value until the set button is pressed. At that point the picker is closed and the value is commited to the model.
The above mentioned temporary value, when required, can be manipulated using the getTempVal()
and setTempVal()
instance methods.
Whe the temporary value changes the onTempChange
event is raised.
"Live" selection
Here come the inline
display (which displays as an embedded control) and the anchored
display when the touchUi options is false (on desktop devices).
In this case by default there is no set button to commit the value, so there's no temporary value like when the modal displays are used. What is shown on the picker, that is set directly to the model
For the colors, labels, marked, and invalid options it's possible to specify recurrence rules. The rule can be an object or a string in RRULE format.
Supported properties:
String - The frequency of the recurrence. String equivalent:FREQ
- Daily repeat -
- Weekly repeat -
- Monthly repeat -
- Yearly repeat
Number - The day of the month in case of monthly and yearly repeat. String equivalent:BYMONTHDAY
Negative numbers are calculated from the end of the month,-1
meaning the last day of the month.Specifying multiple days for the rule is currently not supported.Rules like every first/second/third/fourth week day of month are currently not supported. -
Number - Specify the month in case of yearly repeat. String equivalent:BYMONTH
.Specifying multiple months for the rule is currently not supported. -
String - Comma separated list of the week days ('SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA') for the occurrences. String equivalent:BYDAY
. -
String - Specifies the first day of the week ('SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA'). Default is'MO'
. String equivalent:WKST
. -
Number - The number of occurrences. String equivalent:COUNT
. -
Date, String, Object - The start date of the occurrences. String equivalent:DTSTART
. -
:Date, String, Object - The end date of the occurrences. String equivalent:UNTIL
. -
Number - The time interval for the rule, e.g. every 3 days, or every 2 weeks. This depends on therepeat
property. String equivalent:INTERVAL
In string format the specified properties are separated by the ';'
recurring: {
repeat: 'daily',
count: 5,
interval: 2
<mbsc-datepicker [invalid]="myInvalids"></mbsc-datepicker>
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html'
export class AppComponent {
myInvalids: any[] = [{
start: '00:00',
end: '08:59',
recurring: {
repeat: 'daily'
start: new Date(2020, 2, 18, 9, 0),
end: new Date(2020, 2, 18, 17, 0),
recurring: {
repeat: 'daily',
count: 5,
interval: 2
}, {
start: new Date(2020, 2, 17, 20, 0),
end: new Date(2020, 2, 17, 22, 0),
recurring: 'FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=2020-06-17;BYDAY=MO,WE'
Recurring exceptions
In case you would like to skip some dates from your rule, that's when the recurring exception come in handy.
You can either set specific dates and/or a recurring rule as an exception, using the
and the recurringExceptionRule
<mbsc-datepicker [invalid]="myInvalids"></mbsc-datepicker>
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html'
export class AppComponent {
myInvalids: any[] = [{
start: '2021-06-01',
end: '2021-06-01'
recurring: {
repeat: 'daily',
until: '2021-12-31'
// exact dates as exceptions
recurringException: ['2021-07-10', '2021-07-11'],
// recurring rule as an exception
recurringExceptionRule: {
repeat: 'monthly',
day: 15
}, {
start: '08:30',
end: '10:00',
// Every Monday and Friday, except every second month\'s 3rd',
recurring: 'FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=2021-06-01;BYDAY=MO,FR',
recurringExceptionRule: 'FREQ=MONTHLY;BYMONTHDAY=3;INTERVAL=2'
Customizing the calendar header
The header of the calendar can be fully customized to one's needs. This can be achieved by passing an angular template as the calendarHeaderTemplate option.
<mbsc-datepicker [calendarHeaderTemplate]="customTemplate">
<ng-template #customTemplate>
<p>Any <strong>Title</strong> you want here or</p>
<your-custom-component [yourAnyInput]="yourProp"></your-custom-component>
While fully customizing the header is very usefull, sometimes it's desireable to customize only parts of it.
In this case you can take advantage of the default header's building blocks. These components let you put toghether the header you want,
while you don't have to worry about the functionality behind them.
For example you can leave out parts from the default header, change the order the default buttons appearance or add custom components between them.
Here's the list of the built in components of the default header:
- Previous button component, that navigates to the previous month.<mbsc-calendar-next></mbsc-calendar-next>
- Next button component, that navigates to the next month.<mbsc-calendar-today></mbsc-calendar-today>
- Today button component, that navigates to the current date.<mbsc-calendar-nav></mbsc-calendar-nav>
- The title navigation button component, that opens the year/month navigation.
The above components can be used inside of the header template. The following example will render the prev and next buttons and then a custom title that is set in the component (myTitle
<mbsc-datepicker [calendarHeaderTemplate]="customWithNavButtons">
<ng-template #customWithNavButtons>
<div class="my-custom-title">{{myTitle}}</div>
export class YourComponent {
myTitle = 'My Custom Eventcalendar';
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
anchor | HTMLElement | undefined |
Specifies the anchor element for positioning, if display is set to
If undefined, it defaults to the element on which the component was initialized.
animation | String, Boolean | undefined |
Animation to use for opening/closing of the control (if display is not inline). Possible values:
false , turns the animation off.
buttons | Array |
['set', 'cancel']
Buttons to display. Each item in the array will be a button. A button can be specified as a string, or as a button object.
When the passed array does not contain the predefined 'set' button, the auto-selection will be turned on.
Selecting a value on the UI this way, will be set to the input immediately.
If there are more than one wheels shown, the control will close on overlay tap. Otherwise tapping a value on the wheel will also close the control.
If a string, it must be one of the predefined buttons:
If an object, it may have the following properties:
Predefined and custom buttons example
Predefined button handler example
calendarHeaderTemplate | TemplateRef | undefined |
Use this option to customize the header of the Datepicker. In the template you can use custom components as well as the built in header controls of the calendar. Check out the customizing the header section for a more detailed description on built in components. Example with built in header components
calendarScroll | String | 'horizontal' |
Controls the direction the calendar can be navigated. You can navigate by scrolling, swiping or by clicking the arrow buttons in the header.
When navigation is |
calendarSize | Number | 1 |
Number of months/weeks to display. |
calendarSystem | Object | undefined |
Specify the calendar system to be used.
calendarType | String | 'month' |
Sets the calendar type. Possible values: In case of In case of |
circular | Boolean, Array | undefined |
If true , the scroll wheels are circular.
If an array, it can be specified as a per wheel configuration,
e.g. for 3 wheels: [true, false, false] - sets the first wheel circular.
If not specified, if a wheel has more values than the number of displayed rows, the scroll wheel becomes circular.
closeOnEsc | Boolean | true |
If true, the popup is closed on ESC keypress. |
closeOnOverlayClick | Boolean | true |
If true, the popup is closed on overlay tap/click. |
colors | Array | undefined |
Change the color of certain dates on the calendar. Must be an array of objects with the following properties:
The colored range will be considered all-day if:
The dates can be specified as Javascript Date objects, ISO 8601 strings, or moment objects.
context | String, HTMLElement | 'body' |
The DOM element in which the component is appended and positioned (if not inline). Can be a selector string or a DOM element. |
controls | Array | ['calendar'] |
List of controls to show. Possible values:
cssClass | String | undefined |
Applies custom css class to the top level element. |
dataTimezone | String | defaults to displayTimezone |
Specifies the timezone of the selected values. The selection happens in
the displayTimezone, but the values will be
converted to the dataTimezone before they are returned. Also the invalid, labels, marked and colors data will be interpreted in dataTimezone if it doesn't contain timezone information already. If the data contain timezone information (when the ISO string has a timezone offset ex.
When using timezones, the exclusiveEndDates option is also turned on by default.
When using anything other than the default, a timezone plugin must be also passed to the component.
Possible values are:
dayContentTemplate | TemplateRef | undefined |
You can use dayContentTemplate option to customize the day cells of the Datepicker. You will get the styling taken care of by the Datepicker, and you can focus on what you show besides the day number a.k.a. the content. If you are looking to fully customize the day (ex. add custom hover effect) you will need to use the dayTemplate option. In that case you will only get the positioning done by the Datepicker and everything else is up to you. The template will receive an object as data. This data can be used to show day specific things on the Datepicker. The object passed to the template has the following properties:
dayTemplate | TemplateRef | undefined |
You can use the dayTemplate option to customize the day cells of the Datepicker. It takes a function that should return the desired markup. The Datepicker will take care of the positioning, but everything else (like background color, hover effect, etc.) is left to you. If you are looking to customize only the content and don't want to bother with the styling of the event, you can use the dayContentTemplate option. The template will receive an object as data. This data can be used to show day specific things on the Datepicker. The object passed to the template has the following properties:
defaultSelection | Date, String, moment, Array, null | undefined |
Default selection which appears on the picker. The provided value will not be set as picker value, it's only a pre-selection. If not provided, the default selection will be the current date and/or time.
If |
disabled | Boolean | false |
Initial disabled state of the component. This will take no effect in inline display mode. |
display | String | undefined |
Controls the positioning of the component. Possible options:
The default display mode depends on the theme,
it defaults to
In desktop mode (when the touchUi option is set to |
displayTimezone | String | 'local' |
Specifies the timezone of the selection. While the selection happens in
the displayTimezone, the selected values will be converted to the
dataTimezone before they are returned.
When using timezones, the exclusiveEndDates option is also turned on by default.
When using anything other than the default ('local'), a timezone plugin must be also passed to the component.
Possible values are:
endInput | String, HTMLElement, Mobiscroll Input or IonInput | undefined |
Sets the Input for the end date. When using the datepicker to select a range, it can be used with one, two or no inputs. When an endInput is passed to the datepicker, it will put the range end part of the selection to that input. Similarly the input for the begin part can be specified by the startInput option. |
exclusiveEndDates | Boolean | undefined |
If true , the Datepicker will work in exclusive end dates mode,
meaning that the last moment of the range (event, invalid, colors, etc.) is not part of the range.
For example, when selecting a date range without the time part, selecting '2021-07-20' for the range end
will return '2021-07-21' instead. Because the range ends on the 21st, not including the 21st.
When using timezones the exclusiveEndDates option defaults to true.
firstSelectDay | Number | firstDay |
Sets the first day of the selection, when preset-range selection is used. It takes a number representing the day of the week. Ex. Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, etc. When not set, it defaults to the first day of the week, which depends on the localization used. The length of the selection can be controlled with the selectSize option. |
focusOnClose | Boolean, String, HTMLElement |
Element to focus after the popup is closed.
If undefined , the original element will be focused.
If false , no focusing will occur.
focusTrap | Boolean | true |
If not in inline mode, focus won't be allowed to leave the popup. |
headerText | Boolean, String | false |
Specifies a custom string which appears in the popup header. If the string contains the '{value}' substring, it is replaced with the formatted value of the datepicker.If it's set to false , the header is hidden. |
height | Number, String | undefined |
Sets the height of the component. |
inputStyle | String | 'underline' |
Defines the input rendering mode. By default the input has the underline styling. Possible values:
inputTyping | Boolean | true |
Allow the typing into the input field in desktop mode. |
inRangeInvalid | Boolean | false |
In case of range selection, determines if the invalid dates are allowed between the start and the end date. When
When designing a booking system, a possible solution for already booked dates is to set those dates to invalid. |
invalid | Array | undefined |
An array containing the invalid values.
Can contain dates (Javascript Date objects, ISO 8601 strings, or moment objects), or objects with the following properties:
isOpen | Boolean | undefined |
Specifies wether the popup is opened or not.
Use it together with the onClose event, by setting it to false
when the popup closes.
itemHeight | Number | 40 |
Height in pixels of one item on the wheel.
The default value depends on the theme: iOS: 34 Material: 40 Windows: 44 |
labels | Array | undefined |
Specify labels for calendar days. A label object can have the following properties:
The dates can be specified as Javascript Date objects, ISO 8601 strings, or moment objects.
labelStyle | String | undefined |
Defines the position of the label. The default label style depends on the theme option.
With the 'ios' theme the inputs have inline labels, with 'mobiscroll', 'material' and 'windows' themes
the default label position is stacked . Possible values:
marked | Array | undefined |
Mark certain dates on the calendar. Must be an array containing dates (Javascript Date objects, ISO 8601 strings, or moment objects),
or objects with the following properties:
The dates can be specified as Javascript Date objects, ISO 8601 strings, or moment objects.
max | Date, String, Object | undefined |
Maximum value that can be selected. |
maxRange | Number | undefined |
It sets the maximum range that can be selected. When selecting a date without the time part, it sets the maximum number of days the selected range can contain. When there is a time part in the selection, it sets the maximum range in milliseconds. |
maxTime | string, Date or Moment object | undefined |
It sets the maximum time that is selectable on the time or the timegrid control. When there is a date part of the selection, the maximum is applied to each day. For example
will limit the time part of the selection to at most 18 o'clock each day.In contrast to the max option, which will limit the date part of the selection as well. For example: will limit the selection to August 22nd 18 o'clock, but will allow selection of times past 18 o'clock
on dates before Aug. 22nd.
This option can't be used with the |
maxWheelWidth | Number, Array | undefined |
Maximum width of the scroller wheels in pixels. If number, it is applied to all wheels, if an array, it is applied to each wheel separately. |
min | Date, String, Object | undefined |
Minimum value that can be selected. |
minRange | Number | undefined |
It sets the minimum range that can be selected. When selecting a date range without the time part, it sets the minimum number of days the selected range can contain. When there is a time part in the selection, it sets the minimum range in milliseconds. |
minTime | string, Date or Moment object | undefined |
It sets the minimum time that is selectable on the time or the timegrid control. When there is a date part of the selection, the minimum is applied to each day. For example
will limit the time part of the selection to at least 8 o'clock each day.In contrast to the min option, which will limit the date part of the selection as well. For example: will limit the selection to August 22nd 8 o'clock, but will allow selection of times earlier than 8 o'clock
on dates after Aug. 22nd.
This option can't be used with the |
minWheelWidth | Number, Array | 80 |
Minimum width of the scroller wheels in pixels. If number, it is applied to all wheels, if an array, it is applied to each wheel separately. The default value depends on the theme: iOS: 55 Material: 80 Windows Phone: 88 |
moment | object | undefined |
Reference to the Moment.js library. When using Moment objects as return values, this setting should be passed the reference to the Moment.js library. Check out our example on how to pass moment to the datepicker ! |
multiple | Boolean | false |
If true , multiple selection will be enabled. |
pages | Number, String | 1 |
Number of calendar pages (month or week) to display. If 'auto' , the displayed number of pages will be decided based on the viewport size. |
rangeEndInvalid | Boolean | false |
When true, it enables the end date to be selected on the first invalid date that comes after the selected start date.
For example, when designing a booking system, a possible solution for already booked dates is to set those dates to invalid. When the inRangeInvalid option is set to true (default), this option is ignored, so be sure to turn that off too if you want to use this one.
rangeHighlight | Boolean | true |
When selecting a range on the calendar control, it is optional to highlight the dates between the start and end date. By default, the dates are highlighted between the start and end values. When the highlight is turned off, only the start and end dates are shown as selected on the calendar. On desktop devices where a cursor is available, hovering the calendar days also help to visualize the selecting range. The hover styling is also turned off, when the range is not highlighted. |
responsive | Object | undefined |
Specify different settings for different container widths, in a form of an object,
where the keys are the name of the breakpoints, and the values are objects containing
the settings for the given breakpoint.
The available width is queried from the container element of the component and not the browsers viewport like in css media queries
There are five predefined breakpoints:
property specifying the min-width in pixels.
returnFormat | String | 'jsdate' |
Specifies the format in which the selected date(s) is set to the model.
Possible values:
When using Moment.js, the reference to the moment library must be passed to the component
via the moment option. Check out our example on how to pass moment to the datepicker !
When using a timezone plugin, the returned values are always in
'iso8601' format and this option is not taken into account. |
rows | Number | 3 |
Number of visible rows on the wheel.
The default value depends on the theme: iOS: 5 Material: 3 Windows: 6 |
scrollLock | Boolean | true |
Disables page scrolling on touchmove (if not in inline mode, and popup height is less than window height). |
select | String | 'date' |
In terms of value selection, the datepicker can be used to select a single date/time or multiple dates/times, as well as a date range or a time range. It is also possible to select a week or a part of the week as a range, called preset-range. The select setting defines if the picker is used for selecting independent dates or a range. Possible values are:
selectCounter | Boolean | false |
If true and multiple selection is enabled, the number of selected items will be displayed in the header. |
selectMax | Number | undefined |
The maximum number of selected items in case of multiple selection. |
selectMultiple | Boolean | false |
If true , multiple selection will be enabled. |
selectSize | Number | 7 |
Sets the length of the selection in days when the preset-range selection is used. It defaults to the whole week (7 days). The selection will start depending on the firstSelectDay option and will have the number of days specified by the selectSize. |
separator | String | ' ' |
Sepearator between date and time (if the 'time' controls is also visible) |
showArrow | Boolean | true |
Show or hide the popup arrow, when display mode is 'anchored' .
showInput | Boolean | true |
If true , it will render an input field for the component. |
showOnClick | Boolean | true |
Opens the component on element click/tap. |
showOnFocus | Boolean |
false - on desktop
true - on mobile
Pops up the component on element focus. |
showOuterDays | Boolean | true |
Show or hide days from previous and next months.
Hiding outer days only works in case of month view, and not supported for week view.
Outer days are automatically hidden if calendarScroll is set to |
showOverlay | Boolean | true |
Show or hide overlay. |
showRangeLabels | Boolean | true |
By default when selecting a range, a start and end label is shown on the Datepicker. These labels indicate which part of the range are we selecting (start or end). The labels can also be used to switch the active selection from start to end or vice versa. The The start label text and end label text as well as the start value placeholder and end value placeholder can be localized and/or customized. |
showWeekNumbers | Boolean | false |
Show week numbers on the calendar view. Enumeration starts with the first week of the year. |
startInput | String, HTMLElement, Mobiscroll Input or IonInput | undefined |
Sets the Input for the start date. When using the datepicker to select a range, it can be used with one, two or no inputs. When a startInput is passed to the datepicker, it will put the range beginning part of the selection to that input. Similarly the input for the end part can be specified by the endInput option. |
stepHour | Number | 1 |
Step for the hours scroll wheel. Also, sets the hours step for the timegrid. |
stepMinute | Number | 1 |
Step for the minutes scroll wheel. Also, sets the minutes step for the timegrid. |
stepSecond | Number | 1 |
Step for the seconds scroll wheel. Also, sets the seconds step for the timegrid. |
tabs | Boolean | undefined |
Show / hide tabs for calendar, date and time controls. If undefined, it is automatically decided to show or hide tabs based on available space. If only one control is passed, tabs are always hidden. |
tagInput | Boolean | false |
If true and multiple selection is enabled, it will display multiple values as "chips/tags".
theme | String | undefined |
Sets the visual appearance of the component.
If it is
Make sure that the theme you set is included in the downloaded package.
themeVariant | String | undefined |
Controls which variant of the theme will be used (light or dark). Possible values:
To use the option with custom themes, make sure to create two custom themes,
where the dark version has the same name as the light one, suffixed with |
timezonePlugin | Object | undefined |
Specifies the timezone plugin, which can handle the timezone conversions.
By default the Datepicker uses the local timezone of the browser for value selection.
If you want to select a date-time in a different timezone, you will need an
external library to handle the timezone conversions.
There are two supported libraries:
moment-timezone and luxon. You can specify either the dataTimezone or the displayTimezone or both. Depending on which externa library you use you can pass either the
touchUi | Boolean, String | 'auto' |
Use Can be used with the responsive option to change the user interface based on viewport width.
If set to |
weeks | Number |
Number of weeks to display if calendarType is set to 'week' .
Deprecated, use the calendarSize option instead.
wheelWidth | Number, Array | undefined |
Width of the scroller wheels, in pixels. Wheel content will be truncated, if it exceeds the width. If number, it is applied to all wheels, if an array, it is applied to each wheel separately. |
width | Number, String | undefined |
Sets the width of the popup container. This will take no effect in inline display mode. |
Setting options dynamically
To bind an option to a component's property, place the option name in square brackets ([]
Whenever the component property is changed, the option is dynamically updated with the new property value.
<mbsc-datepicker [theme]="myTheme"></mbsc-datepicker>
myTheme = 'ios';
changeTheme() {
// Changes the theme to Material
this.myTheme = 'material';
reference.Name | Description | |
onActiveDateChange(event, inst) |
In range selection mode, the onActiveDateChange event is triggered when the active date changes from start to end or vice versa.
onCancel(event, inst) |
Allows you to define your own event when cancel is pressed.
onCellClick(event, inst) |
Triggered when a cell is clicked on the calendar
onCellHoverIn(event, inst) |
Triggered when the mouse pointer hovers a day on the calendar.
onCellHoverOut(event, inst) |
Triggered when the mouse pointer leaves a day on the calendar.
onChange(event, inst) |
Triggered when the value is changed.
onClose(event, inst) |
Triggered when the component is closed.
onDestroy(event, inst) |
Triggered when the component is destroyed.
onInit(event, inst) |
Triggered when the component is initialized.
onLabelClick(event, inst) |
Triggered when a label on the calendar is clicked.
onOpen(event, inst) |
Triggered when the component is opened.
onPageChange(event, inst) |
Triggered when the calendar page is changed (month or week, with buttons or swipe).
onPageLoaded(event, inst) |
Triggered when the calendar page is changed (month or week, with buttons or swipe) and the animation has finished.
onPageLoading(event, inst) |
Triggered before the markup of a calendar page (month or week) is starting to render.
onPosition(event, inst) |
Triggered when the component is positioned (on initial show and resize / orientation change).
Useful if dimensions needs to be modified before the positioning happens, e.g. set a custom width or height. Custom positioning can also be implemented here, in this case, returning false from the handler
function will prevent the built in positioning.
onTempChange(event, inst) |
Triggered when the temporary value is changed.
Name | Description | |
close() |
Closes the component.
ExampleMethods can be called on an instance. For more details see calling methods
getTempVal() |
Returns the temporary value that's selected on the picker.
Depending on how the picker is displayed, the selection might be in a temporary state that hasn't been set yet.
This temporary value can be aquired calling the
The value that has been set to the model can be aquired using the
getTempVal and getVal methods are usually for advanced use-cases, when
the built in options and the model bindings are not sufficient to work with.
Returns: String, Date, Moment.js Object or Array of String, Date or Moment.js ObjectThe return value type depends on the returnFormat and the select option. |
getVal() |
Returns the selected value of the picker, that has been set to the model as well.
Depending on how the picker is displayed, the selection might be in a temporary state that hasn't been set yet.
This temporary value can be aquired calling the Returns: String, Date, Moment.js Object or Array of String, Date or Moment.js ObjectThe return value type depends on the returnFormat and the select option.
getTempVal and getVal methods are usually for advanced use-cases, when
the built in options and the model bindings are not sufficient to work with.
isVisible() |
Returns a boolean indicating whether the component is visible or not.
Returns: Boolean
ExampleMethods can be called on an instance. For more details see calling methods
navigate(date) |
Display a specific month on the calendar without setting the date.
ExampleMethods can be called on an instance. For more details see calling methods
open() |
Opens the component.
ExampleMethods can be called on an instance. For more details see calling methods
position() |
Recalculates the position of the component (if not inline).
ExampleMethods can be called on an instance. For more details see calling methods
setActiveDate(active) | Sets which date is currently selected (start or end). If the picker is visible, it will also highlight the respective date.
ExampleMethods can be called on an instance. For more details see calling methods
setTempVal(value) |
Sets the temporary value that's selected on the picker.
Depending on how the picker is displayed, the selection shown might be just a temporary value until the users hit the "Set" button to commit the selection.
This temporary value can be adjusted calling the
To get the current temporary value, check out the
setTempVal and setVal methods are usually for advanced use-cases, when
the built in options and the model bindings are not sufficient to work with.
The type of the value parameter depends on the returnFormat and the select options. |
setVal(value) |
Sets the picker value and also writes it to the model.
Depending on how the picker is displayed, the selection shown might be just a temporary value until the users hit the "Set" button to commit the selection.
This temporary value can be adjusted calling the
To get the current selected value, check out the Parameters
The value type should be choosen depending on the returnFormat and the select option.
setTempVal and setVal methods are usually for advanced use-cases, when
the built in options and the model bindings are not sufficient to work with.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
amText | String | 'am' |
Text for AM. |
cancelText | String | 'Cancel' |
Text for Cancel button. |
dateFormat | String |
The format for parsed and displayed dates.
dateWheels | String | undefined |
Display order and formating for month/day/year wheels. Characters have the same meaning as in the
dateFormat option.
The options also controls if a specific wheel should appear or not, e.g. use 'mmyy' to
display month and year wheels only, 'mmD ddy' to display both
day of week and date on the day wheel.
If not specified, the order of the wheels will be taken from the dateFormat option, and the formating will be defined by the theme Starting for 3.0.0-beta5 an experimental feature was introduced to display the whole date on one wheel. To activate this mode, the format of the date should be specified between | charchters:
dayNames | Array | ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'] |
The list of long day names, starting from Sunday, for use as requested via the dateFormat setting. |
dayNamesMin | Array | ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S'] |
The list of minimal day names, starting from Sunday, for use as requested via the dateFormat setting. |
dayNamesShort | Array | ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'] |
The list of abbreviated day names, starting from Sunday, for use as requested via the dateFormat setting. |
daySuffix | String | undefined |
Additional string to display after the day on the wheel. |
firstDay | Number | 0 |
Set the first day of the week: Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, etc.
When preset-range selection is used the range start day can be specified with the firstSelectDay option. |
headerText | Boolean, String | '{value}' |
Specifies a custom string which appears in the popup header. If the string contains '{value}' substring, it is replaced with the formatted value of the datepicker. If it's set to false , the header is hidden. |
locale | Object | undefined |
Sets the language of the component.
The locale option is an object containing all the translations for a given language.
Mobiscroll supports a number of languages listed below. If a language is missing from the list, it can also be provided by the user. Here's a guide on
how to write language modules.
Supported languages:
In some cases it's more convenient to set the locale using the language code string.
You can do that by using the
locale object is not tree-shakeable, meaning that all translations present in the object
will end up in the application bundle, whether it's being used or not.
monthNames | Array | ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] |
The list of full month names, for use as requested via the dateFormat setting. |
monthNamesShort | Array | ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] |
The list of abbreviated month names, for use as requested via the dateFormat setting. |
monthSuffix | String | undefined | Additional string to display after the month on the wheel. |
moreEventsPluralText | String | undefined |
Text for the "more" label on the calendar, when there's not enough space to display all the labels for the day,
and there are more than one extra labels.
The {count} inside the string will be replaced with the number of extra labels.
When not specified, the moreEventsText setting is used for both plural and singular form.
moreEventsText | String | '{count} more' |
Text for the "more" label on the calendar, when there's not enough space to display all the labels for the day.
The {count} inside the string will be replaced with the number of extra labels.
Use the moreEventsPluralText as well, if the plural form is different.
nowText | String | 'Now' |
Label for the 'Now' button. |
pmText | String | 'pm' |
Text for PM. |
rangeEndHelp | String | 'Please select' |
When selecting a range, it specifies the placeholder text for the end value under the end label. |
rangeEndLabel | String | 'End' |
When selecting a range, it specifies the text of the end label. |
rangeStartHelp | String | 'Please select' |
When selecting a range, it specifies the placeholder text for the start value under the start label. |
rangeStartLabel | String | 'Start' |
When selecting a range, it specifies the text of the start label. |
rtl | Boolean | false |
Right to left display. |
selectedPluralText | String | '{count} selected' |
Specifies the plural form of the amount of selected items according to the rules of particular language. The '{count}' substring will be replaced with the number of selected items. |
selectedText | String | '{count} selected' |
Specifies the amount of selected items according to the rules of particular language. The '{count}' substring will be replaced with the number of selected items. |
setText | String | 'Set' |
Text for Set button. |
timeFormat | String |
'hh:mm A'
The format for parsed and displayed dates
timeWheels | String |
Display order and formating of the time wheels on the datepicker.
Characters have the same meaning as in the timeFormat option.
If not specified, the order of the wheels will be taken from the timeFormat option, and the formating will be defined by the theme Starting for 3.0.0-beta5 an experimental feature was introduced to display the whole time on one wheel. To activate this mode, the format of the time should be specified between | charchters:
yearSuffix | String | undefined |
Additional string to display after the year on the wheel. |
Customizing the appearance
While the provided pre-built themes are enough in many use cases, most of the times on top of adapting to a specific platform, you'd also like to match a brand or color scheme. Mobiscroll provides various ways to achieve this:
- Create custom themes using the theme builder - the custom themes can be also built using out theme builder, on a graphical user interface, without any coding, or the need for Sass support in your project.
- Create custom themes using Sass - use this, if you need multiple themes with different color variatons, in case you have pages with different colors, or you'd like to users to customize the colors of your app.
- Override the Sass color variables - the straightforward way to change the colors in one place throughout the application.
Override the Sass Color Variables
A convenient way to customize the colors of the Mobiscroll components is to override the Sass color variables.
Let's say your branding uses a nice red accent color, and you'd like that color to appear on the Mobiscroll components as well,
while still using platform specific themes (e.g. ios
on iOS devices, material
on Android devices, and mobiscroll
on desktop).
You can override the accent color for every theme:
$mbsc-ios-accent: #e61d2a;
$mbsc-material-accent: #e61d2a;
$mbsc-mobiscroll-accent: #e61d2a;
@import "~@mobiscroll/Angular/dist/css/mobiscroll.angular.scss"
You can also customize the colors on many levels:
- Theme specific variables (ex.
) are applied to all components in a theme. Complete list of variables here. - Component specific global variables (ex.
) are applied to all themes for a specific component. - Component and theme specific variables (ex.
) are applied to a specific theme and a specific component.