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Card component contain and organize your information. Cards contains unique related data, for example, a photo, text, and form element all about a single subject.

Here are a few examples for the card components
<mobiscroll.Card theme="ios">
        Text content here...

<!-- with footer -->
    <mobiscroll.CardContent>Content text...</mobiscroll.CardContent>
        <button onclick={this.myClick}>My Button</button>

<!-- header, content, footer -->
    <mobiscroll.CardContent>Content text...</mobiscroll.CardContent>
    <mobiscroll.CardFooter>Footer here</mobiscroll.CardFooter>

Content types

Cards support a wide variety of content, including images, text, list, form components and more. Below are examples of what’s supported.

Images are displayed as full width by default

<!-- fluid image -->
    <img src="" />
        Content text...
        <button className="mbsc-btn-flat">Btn</button>

<!-- article type card -->
    <img className="mbsc-img-thumbnail mbsc-pull-left" src="" width="100" height="100">
        <mobiscroll.Cardtitle>Article title</mobiscroll.Cardtitle>
        Article text...

<!-- avatar in header -->
        <mobiscroll.Avatar src="women_profile.png" />
        <mobiscroll.Cardtitle>Johana Doe</mobiscroll.Cardtitle>
        <mobiscroll.Cardsubtitle>at 4:55 PM</mobiscroll.Cardsubtitle>
        Content text...
        <button className="mbsc-btn-flat" data-icon="line-heart">Like</button>
Form components inside cards
        <mobiscroll.CardTitle>Form components</mobiscroll.CardTitle>
        <div className="mbsc-form-group">
                Some Input
                <input type="text" />
                Date Component
                <mobiscroll.Date />
                <mobiscroll.Calendar />


Component Description
mobiscroll.Card The react card component
mobiscroll.CardHeader Component for the card header
mobiscroll.CardContent Component for the card content
mobiscroll.CardTitle Component for the card title
mobiscroll.CardSubtitle Component for the card subtitle

For many more examples - simple and complex use-cases - check out the cards demos for react.

The Accordion component will help organizing the collapsible cards. Accordion allows showing only one collapsible item at the same time.
Prop Type Description
collapsible any If a card has the collapsible property, the card content will be collapsible. Collapsed is the default state of the collapsible content and it can be changed wit the help of the open attribute.
open boolean If a card group has the open property, the collapsible content will be opened by default.


Name Type Default value Description
collapsible Boolean undefined If it is defined the card content will be collapsible and clicking on the card header will be the trigger to collapse. It accepts a boolean value if true the collapsible will be opened by default.
context String, HTMLElement 'body' The DOM element in which the component is appended and positioned (if not inline). Can be a selector string or a DOM element.
theme String undefined

Sets the visual appearance of the component.

If it is 'auto' or undefined, the theme will automatically be chosen based on the platform.

If the theme for the specific platform is not present, it will default to the Mobiscroll theme.

Supplied themes:
  • 'bootstrap' - Bootstrap themes
  • 'ios' - iOS theme
  • 'material' - Material theme
  • 'mobiscroll' - Mobiscroll theme
  • 'windows' - Windows theme
It's possible to modify theme colors or create custom themes.
Starting from v4.9.0 setting directly the dark version of the theme is deprecated. Use the themeVariant option instead to control the light / dark appearance of the theme.
Make sure that the theme you set is included in the downloaded package.
themeVariant String undefined

Controls which variant of the theme will be used (light or dark).

Possible values:
  • 'light' - Use the light variant of the theme.
  • 'dark' - Use the dark variant of the theme.
  • 'auto' or undefined - Detect the preferred system theme on devices where this is supported.

If not set, only the theme setting will determine which theme to use.

To use the option with custom themes, make sure to create two custom themes, where the dark version has the same name as the light one, suffixed with '-dark', e.g.: 'my-theme' and 'my-theme-dark'.

The option will not have any effect if the theme option explicitly sets the dark version of a theme, e.g. theme: 'ios-dark'.


Name Description
hide() Hides the card's collapsible content.


Methods can be called on an instance. For more details see calling methods

option(options) Sets one or more options for the component.


  • options: Object - A map of option-value pairs to set.


Methods can be called on an instance. For more details see calling methods
    display: 'bottom',
    lang: 'de'
show() Shows the card's collapsible content.


Methods can be called on an instance. For more details see calling methods;
tap(el, handler) Attaches the handler function to the tap event of element el.


  • el: Object - The element with tap event.
  • handler: Function - If the action was initiated with touch event, handler is called on touchend, otherwise on click.


Methods can be called on an instance. For more details see calling methods
mobiscrollInstance.tap('#element', function () { alert("It's a tap!"); });
toggle() Toggles the card's collapsible content.


Methods can be called on an instance. For more details see calling methods


Customizing the appearance

While the provided pre-built themes are enough in many use cases, most of the times on top of adapting to a specific platform, you'd also like to match a brand or color scheme. Mobiscroll provides various ways to achieve this:

Override the Sass Color Variables

A convenient way to customize the colors of the Mobiscroll components is to override the Sass color variables.

Let's say your branding uses a nice red accent color, and you'd like that color to appear on the Mobiscroll components as well, while still using platform specific themes (e.g. ios on iOS devices, material on Android devices, and mobiscroll on desktop). You can override the accent color for every theme:

$mbsc-ios-accent: #e61d2a;
$mbsc-material-accent: #e61d2a;
$mbsc-mobiscroll-accent: #e61d2a;

@import "~@mobiscroll/React/dist/css/mobiscroll.react.scss"
It's important that you override the variables BEFORE the scss file import, otherwise it won't make any difference.
Here's a complete guide on how to set up Mobiscroll with SASS support

You can also customize the colors on many levels:

  1. Theme specific variables (ex. $mbsc-material-background, $mbsc-ios-dark-text) are applied to all components in a theme. Complete list of variables here.
  2. Component specific global variables (ex. $mbsc-card-background-light, $mbsc-listview-text-dark) are applied to all themes for a specific component.
  3. Component and theme specific variables (ex. $mbsc-ios-dark-form-background, $mbsc-material-input-text) are applied to a specific theme and a specific component.

Global variables

These variables are applied to all base themes: iOS, material, windows and mobiscroll.
They all come in pairs. One for the light and one for the dark variant in each theme.

Variable name Description
$mbsc-card-background-light Sets the background color of the cards
$mbsc-card-text-light Sets the text color of the cards

If you really want to get sophisticated or if a color doesn't look good on a specific theme and you want to overwrite it, you can fine tune all of the above variables individually for each theme.
Below are the complete list of variables broken down to themes:

iOS theme

Variable name Default value Description
The cards background color
The cards text color

iOS Dark theme

Variable name Default value Description
The cards background color
The cards text color
Indication on what the color variables affect

Windows theme

Variable name Default value Description
The cards background color
The cards text color

Windows Dark theme

Variable name Default value Description
The cards background color
The cards text color
Indication on what the color variables affect

Material theme

Variable name Default value Description
The cards background color
The cards text color

Material Dark theme

Variable name Default value Description
The cards background color
The cards text color
Indication on what the color variables affect

Mobiscroll theme

Variable name Default value Description
The cards background color
The cards text color

Mobiscroll Dark theme

Variable name Default value Description
The cards background color
The cards text color
Indication on what the color variables affect