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Mobiscroll CLI

The Mobiscroll Command Line Interface helps to install and configure the mobiscroll library into a project.

Requires Node.js 11 or newer


Using the node package manager (npm), the mobiscroll cli can be installed with the following command:

$ npm install -g @mobiscroll/cli

On Windows client computers, the execution of PowerShell scripts is disabled by default. When using Powershell, to be able to install the Mobiscroll CLI you will need to set the following execution policy:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Make sure to read the message displayed after executing the command and follow the instructions.


Configures your current project with the Mobiscroll resources and dependencies. Use the --version option to define which supported main version would you like to install:

Installs the latest v4 package
$ mobiscroll config [types] [options] --version=4
Installs the latest v5 package
$ mobiscroll config [types] [options]




Logs you in to the Mobiscroll npm registry. (Use the --global flag if you want to login globally).

$ mobiscroll login [options]



Logs you out from the Mobiscroll npm registry. (Use the --global flag if you want to log out globally).

$ mobiscroll logout [options]



Creates a new Mobiscroll starter project and installs the Mobiscroll resources from npm.

$ mobiscroll start [options] [types] [name]



Name - The name of the project you want to start

Using the CLI behind a proxy

If you're behind a proxy, the mobiscroll command might not work out of the box. There are multiple ways to solve this.

1. Using environment variables

The preferred way is to set the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables on your system. This is usually needed for other CLI commands as well which are making requests and needs to be routed through a proxy server as well.

Mac OS / Linux
$ export http_proxy=
$ export https_proxy=

This will set the environment variables for the current terminal session. To permanently set the variables, add the above lines to your user's ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc files.

$ setx HTTP_PROXY ""
$ setx HTTPS_PROXY ""

The setx command will permanently set the environment variables.

2. Using the --proxy parameter

The quick and dirty method without the need to modify any system configuration, is to pass the proxy address to the mobiscroll config command using the --proxy option. This will be used for any external request made to our servers or the npm registry.

$ mobiscroll config [framework] --proxy