General Date & Time pickers Event Calendar Form components Responsive list Numeric pickers Pickers & dropdowns Layout & navigation Tools Accessibility


Wrapped in label element
    Choose one
    <select mbsc-dropdown id="choose">
        <option>Option 1</option>
        <option>Option 2</option>
        <option>Option 3</option>
Wrapped in div element
    <label for="choose">Choose one</label>
    <select mbsc-dropdown id="choose">
        <option>Option 1</option>
        <option>Option 2</option>
        <option>Option 3</option>
Without label
    <select mbsc-dropdown id="choose">
        <option value="">Choose one</option>
        <option>Option 1</option>
        <option>Option 2</option>
        <option>Option 3</option>


Name Description
data-enhance If a form element has the data-enhance="false" attribute, the particular element won't be enhanced.
data-icon Specify icons for a button, textbox, textarea , stepper, segmented control, slider, progress or select. A font-icon name should be passed.

Icon alignment can be controlled with the data-icon-align attribute. Icons can be displayed on both sides by passing and object with left and right properties containing icon names, e.g.: data-icon='{ "right": "plus", "left": "minus" }'.
You can build your custom icon set on our download page ("Choose Icon Set" section).

See the full list of available icons here.

The default icon pack contains the following icons:
  • home
  • pencil
  • office
  • newspaper
  • droplet
  • image2
  • camera
  • play
  • bullhorn
  • connection
  • library
  • book
  • file4
  • copy2
  • copy3
  • stack
  • folder
  • tag
  • cart
  • support
  • phone
  • location
  • credit
  • map
  • history
  • clock
  • alarm2
  • stopwatch
  • calendar
  • mobile
  • drawer
  • undo2
  • redo2
  • forward
  • reply
  • bubble
  • bubbles
  • disk
  • download
  • upload
  • user4
  • key2
  • lock2
  • unlocked
  • cogs
  • aid
  • bars
  • cloud-download
  • cloud-upload
  • globe
  • airplane
  • earth
  • link
  • flag
  • eye
  • eye-blocked
  • attachment
  • star3
  • heart
  • thumbs-up
  • thumbs-up2
  • smiley2
  • sad2
  • checkmark
  • close
  • plus
  • minus
  • remove
  • loop2
You can use the icons anywhere in your app using the mbsc-ic mbsc-ic-{iconName} classes, e.g.:
<div class="mbsc-ic mbsc-ic-star"></div>
data-icon-align Specify icon alignment. It can be "left" or "right", it defaults to "left" if not specified.
data-input-style Defines the input rendering mode. Possible values: "underline", "box", "outline".
data-label-style Defines the position of the label. Possible values: "stacked", "inline", "floating".
disabled If an element has the disabled attribute, the element will be disabled.


With left icon
    Choose one
    <select mbsc-dropdown id="choose" data-icon="line-note">
        <option>Option 1</option>
        <option>Option 2</option>
        <option>Option 3</option>
With right icon
    Choose one
    <select mbsc-dropdown id="choose" data-icon="line-note" data-icon-align="right">
        <option>Option 1</option>
        <option>Option 2</option>
        <option>Option 3</option>

Input style

This attribute can be used for customizing your form input rendering.

Underline input style
    Choose one
    <select mbsc-dropdown id="choose" data-input-style="underline">
        <option>Option 1</option>
        <option>Option 2</option>
        <option>Option 3</option>
Box input style
    Choose one
    <select mbsc-dropdown id="choose" data-input-style="box">
        <option>Option 1</option>
        <option>Option 2</option>
        <option>Option 3</option>
Outline input style
    Choose one
    <select mbsc-dropdown id="choose" data-input-style="outline">
        <option>Option 1</option>
        <option>Option 2</option>
        <option>Option 3</option>

Label style

With this attribute you can define the position of the label.

Stacked label style
    Choose one
    <select mbsc-dropdown id="choose" data-label-style="stacked">
        <option>Option 1</option>
        <option>Option 2</option>
        <option>Option 3</option>
Inline label style
    Choose one
    <select mbsc-dropdown id="choose" data-label-style="inline">
        <option>Option 1</option>
        <option>Option 2</option>
        <option>Option 3</option>
Floating label style
    Choose one
    <select mbsc-dropdown id="choose" data-label-style="floating">
        <option>Option 1</option>
        <option>Option 2</option>
        <option>Option 3</option>
If the select's value is updated programmatically, a change event needs to be triggered to update the value of the Mobiscroll Form Select as well.

For many more examples - simple and complex use-cases - check out the select demos for javascript.

Dropdown theming

Global variables of the Dropdown, Input, Password and Textarea

Variable name Description
$mbsc-input-background-light Sets the background color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
$mbsc-input-text-light Sets the text color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
$mbsc-form-input-border-light Sets the border color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
$mbsc-input-accent-light Sets the accent color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
$mbsc-input-error-light Sets the error color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.

iOS theme

The following variables are specific to the iOS theme light variant:

Variable name Default value Description
Sets the background color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the text color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the border color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the error color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.

iOS Dark theme

The following variables are specific to the iOS theme dark variant:

Variable name Default value Description
Sets the background color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the text color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the border color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the error color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.

Underline examples

Box examples

Outline examples

Windows theme

The following variables are specific to the Windows theme light variant:

Variable name Default value Description
Sets the text color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the border color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the accent color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the error color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.

Windows Dark theme

The following variables are specific to the Windows theme dark variant:

Variable name Default value Description
Sets the text color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the border color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the accent color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the error color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.

Underline examples

Box examples

Outline examples

Material theme

The following variables are specific to the Material theme light variant:

Variable name Default value Description
Sets the background color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the text color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the border color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the accent color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the error color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.

Material Dark theme

The following variables are specific to the Material theme dark variant:

Variable name Default value Description
Sets the background color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the text color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the border color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the accent color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the error color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.

Underline examples

Box examples

Outline examples

Mobiscroll theme

The following variables are specific to the Mobiscroll theme light variant:

Variable name Default value Description
Sets the text color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the border color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the accent color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the error color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.

Mobiscroll Dark theme

The following variables are specific to the Mobiscroll theme dark variant:

Variable name Default value Description
Sets the text color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the border color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the accent color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.
Sets the error color of the Dropdown, along with the Input, Password and Textarea fields.

Underline examples

Box examples

Outline examples

If you are looking for the generic Form variables, check out the tables here.