Mobiscroll for Angular
Angular is a javascript framework and development platform for creating efficient and sophisticated single-page apps. Mobiscroll for Angular is a collection of native Angular UI components that help deliver great mobile apps, websites with a great user experience and get five-star app store reviews.
The controls use Angular's rendering engine and change detection systems. UI components follow platform UX guidelines and can be styled with the Theme Builder for a perfect fit.
Mobiscroll supports Angular version 4 and up to Angular 19 and requires TypeScript 2.2.0 or newer.
Android 5+ including Android 14, iOS 9+ including iOS 18 and all major desktop browsers, including Chrome 43+, Firefox 16+, Safari 9+, Edge 12+ and Internet Explorer 11+.
The following sections help you get started and learn more on the Mobiscroll library.
📄 Installation
How to get started with the installation of the trial
📄 Guides & How tos
How to update to the latest version
📄 Core concepts
How to set global options
📄 Styling & theming
How to customize the look
UI Components
Delve right into how the individual components work and learn about their API by following the links below.
📄 Datepicker
Selecting a single, multiple or a range of date & time
📄 Eventcalendar
Event management on scheduler, timeline, calendar and agenda
📄 Select
The control for a menu of options
📄 Popup
A frame for contextual pop-up, custom content or combined views
📄 Alerts & Notifications
Inform users in a consistent way
📄 Form components
Interactive form components for data entry
Legacy docs
If you are looking for the documentation for a specific version that you don't find in the dropdown at the top of the page, you can check our legacy documentation under this link.